created equally different

I believe one purpose of our being is to find out who you really are. What is the reason of your very existence here on earth.

One thing I have learned, you can change the way you dress, speak, likes or dislikes, your friends, your neighborhood or place where you want to live but you can not manipulate the different aspects of who you are, and you can never change the real you.

The reason is that you are not the creator of your own self. Maybe that’s the reason why sometimes or often times a lot of people are searching their selves in the most inappropriate person and place. Like a wandering soul.

I came to realized that human beings have a great capacity for kindness, caring, and selflessness; but on the other hand they also have a great capacity for destruction, violence, and selfishness.

Are we human enough to be humane?

We are not created just to wander and roam around aimlessly.
I believe we are here to love others the way we love ourselves. But how will you do it if you don’t love yourself?

The principle is, love yourself first, so you can be able to freely express your love to others.

You can not give what you don’t have.

Learn to accept who you are; your mistakes and flaws or shortcomings and even your weaknesses. In that way, you’ll also learn to accept others the way they are and realize that each person has their own set of personalities that no one can ever change. It’s because they are built and made that way. God created us equally different.
So enjoy the beauty of being you. Just you. ;)

"This, right here, is the time to love." - Stevie Wonder

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