since it's free, dream more.
Have you achieve some of them so far?
I never dream to become a nurse but then this was my profession God has given me, as I was working before in a hospital, I realized why. But then I know I can do more than just that.
Here are the list that I dream to become so far...
Teacher – I became one already
Painter- I used to draw and paint when I was a child, but I need enhancements on this one
Write a book or compose a song – I used to write poems when I was in college, and write different stories out of nowhere, but i kinda lost my copies
Photographer – I love photo shooting on nature, events, people, but I’m a lousy one
Chef – I love cooking, since eating is my past time, haha!
Barista – not only because I love coffee but also I want to become an…
…Entrepreneur – establish a coffee shop/bakeshop as a business someday
Ride on a hot air balloon – since I was a child I dreamt of flying
Climb a mountain
Visit different places around the Philippines
Explore Japan, Italy, Spain, Seychelles, Greece and some virgin Islands
Sponsor child/children in
Have a taste of the finest delicacies all over the world
Learn to play piano
learn kung-fu or arnis
learn how not to dance lousy (I know robotics move, hehe)
learn Japanese language and their accent
Join medical missions all over the world
Design my own house and build one
Share God’s love
and fulfill my purpose here on earth.
What do you want to achieve? What do you really want to do?
Write them. It'll help you sort out what you really want to do in life.
You may not know if it will work out or not but somehow you'll gain a sense of purpose in living.
There's no harm in dreaming, it's free, might as well take all the chances.
I believe in destiny.
I believe in the power of change.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe in freedom.
I believe in faith, hope and love.
I believe that the heart is more than a muscle.
I believe that true happiness cannot be found in any material things in this world.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
I believe that my life can make a difference.
I believe that true love can only be found at the right place, at the right moment and at the right person.
I believe I can be a better person.
I believe that the less we talk and the more we listen is one better way of communication.
I believe that the more you get hurt the more we can be a stronger person.
I believe that complaining can change nothing.
I believe that without God, I am nothing.
I believe that this life is a gift that we should cherish everyday.
You, what do you believe?
America's Newly Elected what?
Some says Obama is a socialist who wants to tax the rich and give money to the poor. Socialism leads to communism which may or may not, but most likely will lead to the fall of the Soviet Union.
However, will there be a real change this time? America continues to hope like many other nation does.
Every single nation in all sides of the earth needs an honest and a true leader. A catalyst for change with a clear vision that will steer others into its actualization. The world will not change dramatically because of the President, no matter who they are, black or white. If all people will change and act, so as the whole nation.
Americans agreed that Obama will give a good start to recoup.
Good luck and God bless America, as God blesses the Philippines…
However none of them knew that behind her tranquil face lies a desolate and grieving heart attempting to break loose from the confinement of a deep seated burden inside her that has been accustomed for a very long time. Her melancholies were perfectly covered with those pretentious glowing eyes. Her loneliness and sorrow were concealed with her laughter.
A mournful optimist maybe that is what she is. Her incongruous behavior seems to be eerie. But how does she do it? How can she cheer others while her burden’s weighing her down like a pit full of wet sand sucking him down? How can she make people full of life while she seems to be empty deep inside? She got so much love to give, but so much pain to carry in his lonely, grieving heart.
As I sat before her under the tree while watching the sun setting from the horizon, I saw tears fell from her eyes. Tears I have never before seen in my life. I felt her sorrow deep within her. All the while I thought of how she can endure all the heartaches and pains alone. But as I look at her now she’s like a fragile glass that in any moment could break. Her pitiful laments could be heard throughout the sound of the breeze in that very place. Every tears falling from her eyes was like a shed of blood coming out.
As the sun sets in the amazing shadows of the colorful sky I wish there was some kind of time limit in an emotion – so that she would know when to stop feeling all the anguish beneath her, but on the second thought, she needed it, a time alone with her emotion. She could not utter a single word. She just cries her heart out. I can feel every single emotion in every inch of her body.
But how long can she hide the pain? For how much longer will she keep it?
I keep asking myself for I myself couldn’t sustain it. I wish I could do something to ease the pain inside her, tell her it’ll all be fine. I wish I have those words to cheer and calm her down, and somehow make her feel better.
But I couldn’t speak a single word. I can’t think of anything to say but to stay and just be with her. I prayed silently and ask God that whatever this person is feeling right now, she might endure it. That she might overcome all emotional disaster she had to bear and may she see the omnipotent God in the midst of all unfathomable circumstances. We watched the beautiful sun calmly as it sets down from the horizon.At that moment I still have the courage to smile for behind every tears falling from her misty eyes I see a different perception of a human emotion.
11 things...
I've listed 11 things I’ve learned so far this year…..
I’ve learned that what you are right now is the product of your past.
So, no reason to blame others.
I have learned that 90% (approximately) of every action or reaction you make in any situation, the result comes from you alone.
Whatever that circumstances may be, it’s all up to you how you handle the situation.
Happiness is a choice.
It’s not just a mere feeling of joy or gladness. It’s a decision that any person can make.
If you only do things what you have already mastered, you will never grow, technically.
Life is totally and absolutely a series of test and episodes of training.
Difficult situations/problems, impossible people to deal with – life gets better when they’re around.
No pain, no gain. – This is so true.
What you think, you become.
What you inculcate in your mind becomes the product of your every thought. Positive or negative.
The tongue is the most powerful tool.
It can make or break.
Thus, making words the most powerful drug in the world.
It can also make or break.
Every word that’ll come out from your mouth is like a boomerang.
It’ll come back to you by all means. So speak gently, and choose words wisely.
There’s no point in planning if you just keep on planning but not doing anything.
mathematics is a lot of fun
Fractions, Linear Algebra, Scientific Notation, Differential Equations, Graphs etc.
Symbols, methods, properties, formulas, logic, measurement.
I know you're familiar with all these stuff especially if you hated or embraced them all your years studying Math. Until now I'm still wondering why all these subjects are in every Nursing Curriculum or any other courses not related to what might be their job in the future.
Oh how I love them so much that my brain would terribly bleed, excitedly jump up and down just how numbers can create statements more like a sentence pattern.
I remember when I was in college years, my learning experience especially my grades are not as great with Psychology or Philosophy. My grades in Algebra suck big-time.
My mind used to wander around the room in the hall and even outside the school during my math classes. I enjoyed most any branches of science but not with numerical analysis and equations. I would gladly find out the amount of oxygen supply in our body organs than to look for the value of x in a triangle.
One time in a class discussion, while our Prof explains “the absolute frequencies of occurrence of an event in a number of class interval be denoted ,.... "Note that y and f(x) represent the same thing: the output of the function. This is known as function notation. Here the function involved is f(x) = x3 − x. ".... Blah blah… My seatmate asked me why I’m not taking notes. I said, “I’m waiting for her to speak English. I have no idea what language she’s using.”
I’d rather play chasing game with sharks than argue with Pythagoras about his theory that every movement was united by the belief that “all is number.” Perhaps while he’s speaking I could see numerous numbers escaping from his mouth while my nose starts to bleed. But still math is fun, it makes the world go round and round. lolz
I had a good laugh of the following problem solving, hope you too. Enjoy!

created equally different
One thing I have learned, you can change the way you dress, speak, likes or dislikes, your friends, your neighborhood or place where you want to live but you can not manipulate the different aspects of who you are, and you can never change the real you.
The reason is that you are not the creator of your own self. Maybe that’s the reason why sometimes or often times a lot of people are searching their selves in the most inappropriate person and place. Like a wandering soul.
I came to realized that human beings have a great capacity for kindness, caring, and selflessness; but on the other hand they also have a great capacity for destruction, violence, and selfishness.
Are we human enough to be humane?
We are not created just to wander and roam around aimlessly.
I believe we are here to love others the way we love ourselves. But how will you do it if you don’t love yourself?
The principle is, love yourself first, so you can be able to freely express your love to others.
You can not give what you don’t have.
Learn to accept who you are; your mistakes and flaws or shortcomings and even your weaknesses. In that way, you’ll also learn to accept others the way they are and realize that each person has their own set of personalities that no one can ever change. It’s because they are built and made that way. God created us equally different.
So enjoy the beauty of being you. Just you. ;)
"This, right here, is the time to love." - Stevie Wonder
Filipinos, how well do you love your own country?
Filipinos always complain about the corruption in the Philippines. Do you really think the corruption is the problem of the Philippines? I do not think so. I strongly believe that the problem is the lack of love for the Philippines.
Let me first talk about my country, Korea. It might help you understand my point. After the Korean War, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Koreans had to start from scratch because entire country was destroyed completely after the Korean War, and we had no natural resources. Koreans used to talk about the Philippines, for Filipinos were very rich in Asia. We envy Filipinos. Koreans really wanted to be well off like Filipinos. Many Koreans died of famine. My father’s brother also died because of famine. Korean government was awfully corrupt and is still very corrupt beyond your imagination, but Korea was able to develop dramatically because Koreans really did their best for the common good with their heart burning with patriotism.
Koreans did not work just for themselves but also for their neighborhood and country. Education inspired young men with the spirit of patriotism. 40 years ago, President Park took over the government to reform Korea. He tried to borrow money from other countries, but it was not possible to get a loan and attract a foreign investment because the economy situation of South Korea was so bad. Korea had only three factories. So, President Park sent many mine workers and nurses to Germany so that they could send money to Korea to build a factory. They had to go through a horrible experience.
In 1964, President Park visited Germany to borrow money. Hundred of Koreans in Germany came to the airport to welcome him and cried there as they saw the President Park. They asked to him, "President, when can we be well off?" That was the only question everyone asked to him.
President Park cried with them and promised them that Korea would be well off if everyone works hard for Korea, and the President of Germany got the strong impression on them and lent money to Korea. So, President Park was able to build many factories in Korea. He always asked Koreans to love their country from their heart. Many Korean scientists and engineers in the USA came back to Korea to help developing country because they wanted their country to be well off. Though they received very small salary, they did their best for Korea. They always hoped that their children would live in well off country.
My parents always brought me to the places where poor and physically handicapped people live. They wanted me to understand their life and help them. I also worked for Catholic Church when I was in the army. The only thing I learned from Catholic Church was that we have to love our neighborhood. And I have loved my neighborhood. Have you cried for the Philippines? I have cried for my country several times. I also cried for the Philippines because of so many poor people. I have been to the New Bilibid prison. What made me sad in the prison were the prisoners who do not have any love for their country. They go to mass and work for Church. They pray everyday.
However, they do not love the Philippines. I talked to two prisoners at the maximum-security compound, and both of them said that they would leave the Philippines right after they are released from the prison. They said that they would start a new life in other countries and never come back to the Philippines.Many Koreans have a great love for Korea so that we were able to share our wealth with our neighborhood. The owners of factory and company were distributed their profit to their employees fairly so that employees could buy what they needed and saved money for the future and their children. When I was in Korea, I had a very strong faith and wanted to be a priest.
However, when I came to the Philippines, I completely lost my faith. I was very confused when I saw many unbelievable situations in the Philippines. Street kids always make me sad, and I see them everyday. The Philippines is the only Catholic country in Asia, but there are too many poor people here. People go to church every Sunday to pray, but nothing has been changed.
My parents came to the Philippines last week and saw this situation. They told me that Korea was much poorer than the present Philippines when they were young. They are so sorry that there are so many beggars and street kids. When we went to Pasangjan, I forced my parents to take a boat because it would fun. However, they were not happy after taking a boat. They said that they would not take the boat again because they were sympathized the boatmen, for the boatmen were very poor and had a small frame. Most of people just took a boat and enjoyed it. But my parents did not enjoy it because of love for them. My mother who has been working for Catholic Church since I was very young told me that if we just go to mass without changing ourselves, we are not Catholic indeed. Faith should come with action. She added that I have to love Filipinos and do good things for them because all of us are same and have received a great love from God.
I want Filipinos to love their neighborhood and country as much as they love God so that the Philippines will be well off. I am sure that love is the keyword, which Filipinos should remember. We cannot change the sinful structure at once. It should start from person. Love must start in everybody in a small scale and have to grow. A lot of things happen if we open up to love. Let’s put away our prejudices and look at our worries with our new eyes.
the science of growing up
We have so many people walking around in the planet who are dead and don’t even know it… and DON’T EVEN KNOW IT.There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are eighteen years old and lie in bed for a year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn nighteen years old. If you are seventy five years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything you will turn seventy six.
Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.
Massive Marketing
Many people today are driven by materialism.
A common myth that having more will make them more secure, happy and contented, important and valued.
It’s so pathetic that one would look and judge another by the way he dress, what’s his job title, or perhaps a degree earned, or what car he drives, or where he lives or how mush do they cost.
Why so many people base their judgments by these titles and possessions? What for?
And since when did our private income become a public symbol of status?
Nowadays, to be socially accepted, you must be slim, (no flabby arms allowed) must have straight hair, (smooth and silky), fair complexion, not to mention, flawless skin; all of your clothes must be branded. AND your mobile phone, PC, PSP, gadgets, etc. should have all the features available today. And of course you should be hanging out with your elite friends at the Hard Rock CafĂ© or sipping some Frapuccino at Starbuck’s.
All lies.
We live in the land of the free and the home of the braggarts.
It's a sense of high materialism that makes us forget the purpose of the items to begin with. It isn't, 'I need a phone to talk with my friends,' anymore. It is now 'I need that latest iPhone,' or 'I need that bag of Paris Hilton’s.’ or probably “I need that kind of J.Lo’s booty, eww! these cheese sticks are killing me!’
But why? Is marketing now defining happiness? Do the phone calls become more profound when made on a device than can not only send and receive calls but also stream music and videos? Do you have to have that gorgeous piece of anyone’s body just to look good and feel good about yourself? Come on people!
If we are so worried of other people’s opinion nothing would ever really matter to us but to please them all our lives. And be miserable. Because we cannot please anybody at all times.
But the thing is how well do we cope with these world’s materialistic attitude. Are we really satisfied and happy by having all this petty stuff? Do we really find true happiness in all these things?
Advertisements are everywhere. And there’s no way you can ignore them.
People are so blinded by these unnecessary things that they forget their true self-worth and instead focus themselves more on their net worth.
Marketing today are so damn good in doing their job. They should have all the credit in making people happy and feel good about all people who are blinded by these misconceptions. We are so pre-occupied with all the wealth and material possessions in this earth that we unnoticeably forget what we should focus are eyes to. The Bible clearly says, “The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see will last forever.” Maybe we should start our minds to set into things that are more valuable than all this earthly possessions.
In this world that we live in, nothing is sacred. Nothing is for sure. And nothing is forever.
Can I have that car of yours then?